Friday, May 31, 2019
Am I Me Or Am I Someone Else? Essay -- Psychology, Personality
Who am I? What binds me who I am? My friends would probably say that its my genuine nature and compassion that make me who I am. They great power also say that I find ways to create my identity element without even trying and that I make my own path with my morals as a guide. Id probably say its my dashing good looks, wit, and charm. My experiences, my parents, and my surroundings, have all contributed to establishing my identity. In Derek Parfits writings Reasons and Persons and Personal Identity, he discusses his ideas on what would matter most, personal identity or survival, and he claims that it is survival, rather than personal identity that matters. Where Parfit expresses this view, this is where I disagree. I look at that where survival is there moldiness be personal identity. Both should go hand in hand and there is more to personal identity than psychological/bodily continuity. I believe to an extent that Parfit is right in claiming that survival is what matters, overall it is better to be surviving than physically dead but if your personal identity is gone, doesnt that make you dead as a person and a new person is in your place?In an article, Derek Parfit argues is that The real reason seems to me now this. Does personal identity just consist in bodily and psychological continuity, or is it a further fact, independent of the facts about these continuities? Our reactions to the problem cases show, I believe, that we believe the latter. And we seem given up to believe that this further fact is peculiarly deep and is all-or-nothing---we believe that in any describable case, it must hold completely or not at all. My main claim is the denial of this further fact (Robinson).In Reasons and Persons, Parfit makes the claim that pe... ...ontinuous with me is what is important. For me to survive, in the way that matters to Parfit, means that it is enough for someone to inherit enough of my psychological attributes. If two or more people inherit my attribu tes, that is almost as good as ordinary survival. Although, I would argue that this idea of being the resembling person is what matters in survival/continued existence. When one is divided, they cease to be. Even though they have remnants of the past them, that doesnt make it them.Works CitedFumerton, Richard, and Diane Jeske. Introducing Philosophy by means of Film Key Texts, Discussion, and Film Selections Paperback. Print. Parfit, Derek. Personal Identity. The Philosophical Review, Vol. 80, No. 1 (Jan.,197) pp. 3-27. Robinson, John. Personal Identity and Survival. The Journal of Philosophy , Vol. 85, No. 6 (Jun., 1988), pp. 319-328
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Dutch in Japan Essay -- History
The Red Haired Barbarians The Dutch in JapanThe success of Dutch merchants in Japan illustrates the uniqueness of the DutchRepublic amongst the 17th century European countries. Not only would the Dutch cometo dominate trade in Asia, in Japan they would demonstrate a practicality that wouldenable them to be the singular Western force present in a country that would severelyisolate itself from whatsoever foreign intrusion. The V.O.C. could indeed be a ruthless cartel insecuring trade from its competition and in dealing with indigenous populations aroundthe world, as in the case of slavery where human beings were reduced to merecommodities to be bought and sold. Yet, the relationship between early Dutch traders, theV.O.C., and the Japanese people delineates an entrepreneurial and cultural installation thatwas beyond that of their European contemporaries and competitors in the 17th century.It was the Portuguese, rather than the Dutch, were the first Europeans to begin arelationship wit h the people of Japan. The Portuguese arrived in 1543 when Japan was awar torn country divided by different warlords. Along with trade, the Portuguese broughtJesuit missionaries who successfully proselytized Christianity if not to a large-scale,which would nonetheless be epochal to future Japanese rulers. During their time inJapan, the Portuguese would see the rise of the three great shogunal unifiers. The first ofthese was Oda Nobunaga, who actually supported Christian efforts in arrangement to counter2the militant Buddhist domains that resisted his rule. The second unifier, ToyotomiHideyoshi was much less tolerant of the Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries, andsubsequently vacillated between policies of tolerance and b... agreatly different culture. That the idea of tolerance was not prevalent for17th centuryEuropeans is demonstrated by the Portuguese experience in Japan, yet somehow theDutch managed a cultural acumen that was remarkable for this time period.Works CitedDut ch and Japanese Relations. Consulat-General van het Koninkrijk der Nederlandenhttp//, Retrieved 23 July 2007.Sayle, Murray. Japan Goes Dutch. capital of the United Kingdom Review of Books. Vol. 23 No. 7 (5 April2001). Retrieved 22 July 2007.Totman, Conrad. Tokugawa Ieyasu Shogun A Biography, Tokyo Heian InternationalIncorporated. 1983.Yonemura, Ann. Yokohama Prints from Nineteenth Century Japan. Arthur M.Sackler Gallery. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. Retrieved 23 July 2007. NIAS_User Page 8 10/3/07.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Creating A Writing Technology :: Writing Technology Technological Papers
Creating A musical composition Technology In reading Tribble and Trubeks Writing Materials I learned that writing is a product of historical circumstances and cultural values as well as of individual invention.(2). The reading selections en subjectd me to sustain just how much I and many others take modern technology for granted. In the book writing itself is defined as technology, which threw me off very too soon in this assignment. Id previously only thought of technology as something that uses electricity or some type of battery. I do examine that writing has been in many ways perfected by technologies such as the typewriter and computer but writing itself as a technology distillery seems to be a bit beyond me. My lack of understanding did make this project a little difficult yet interesting but what was more than difficult was the project itself. Trying to compose an idea for an invention was a very trying task, but after lots of thought and checklists, I was able to p roduce an idea that I thought feasible. I found it very easy to think of many different ideas at once and then go through them one by one checking off the things that were wrong or unnatural about them. One of the first ideas I explored was writing in bog down. It was natural, I didnt need many materials and it seemed easy enough. But I came to the conclusion that the text would be difficult to see, as well as understand and the mud would probably crumble into pieces. Another idea I explored was writing in the sand. There were many things wrong with this idea. First, whatever I kept the sand in would be unnatural. Also if the sand was moved, so was the text and lastly where in heck was I going to find sand in my apartment complex. Finally I found an idea that I thought just might work. I would write a message on the bark of a tree with leaves victimization that sap from the tree to make the leaves stick to the bark. It seemed easy enough, everything was natural but the onl y thing was that it probably wouldnt last very long. This I count on would only be a minor obstacle because as with the invention of all new technologies there would be a few glitches.
Love in Allisons Bastard Out of Carolina :: Bastard Out of Carolina Essays
Love in Allisons Bastard Out of Carolina   Love is a word, a signifier, tied to many meanings, all different in context, cultures, and ideologies. Love is used numerous ways in Allisons Bastard Out of Carolina, by many characters. In the character of Bone, respect is a confused thing, incessantly changing, as Bone uses it to fit her life on the fly. In relation to parental love, Bone wants Daddy Glen to love her. However, early in the book, Bones conception of love is that of a child, obviously. On page 52, she says, I wanted him to love us. I wanted to be able to love him. I wanted him to pick me up gently and tell Mama again how much he loved us all. This idea of love is simple, involving hugs, smiles, and friend puffss, the sort of love Bone gets from Anney. However, as Bones kindred with Glen changes, so does her perception of love. On page 108, Glen asks Bone, Dont you know how I love you? Bone thinks to herself, No, I did not know. This is near the beginning of Bones co nfusion virtually love, what it means, and what it does. At the time he asks her, he is molesting her. It is no wonder that Bone was confused, having love expressed simply, from her mother, and sexually (if indeed it is love) from Glen. This confusion leads bone to move the idea of love, and to look elsewhere for it, perhaps to compare. Love, she finds, is a prominent idea in the Southern Baptist church. Bone is enthralled with the black and white of Christianity, the definitive line drawn between good and evil, because she can see where the love is, and what it does. She believes she can see that other people truly love one another, and believing this, she thinks the has a better grasp on the abstract idea of love. However, as Bone later discovers, love is abstract, and being abandoned by her mother, she never truly figures it out. The puzzle within, for Bone, is that love is a conceptual idea, and that, really, it means something different to each person. Not only that, but lov e is used by others, in ways that may not suit anyone elses conceptions of the idea. So when Anney insists to Bone and everyone else that Glen loves her and her girls, Bone tends, of course, to believe her, and thus the idea of love is transferred to how Glen treats Bone.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Paintball Essay -- essays research papers
Paintball is a fast and furioussport. It is played on both asocial and serious level by over 16million people around the world(Cooke,11). It is one of thefastest growing sports on theplanet. Paintballs history, feistys,guns, and safety are all part ofthe fun.In 1970, James Hale, an engineer,invented and secure the firstcommercially successful paintballgun. Paintball guns were first usedby the National Forest Associationto mark trees that would be cutdown. Then, it was used to markoxen by cowboys. One night whilesitting around a campfire, onecowboy shot another and that is howthe game of paintball got started.This "splotchmaker" can rightfully exact to be the grandfather ofmodern paintball guns (Peters, 73).Over the next two decades, DaisyManufacturing Co. Inc. of AirgunFrames manufactured these gunsunder contract for the Nelson PaintCo. During this twenty year span,paintball evolved from a"survivalist" game into thewholesome, exciting, family game itis today.In pai ntball, there are two teamsequipped with paintball markers.These are basically low-poweredairguns that fire small capsules ofpaint. It is not a dangerous sport.The exactly real danger is getting hitin the eye with a paintball.Wearing specific goggles made forpaintball easily stops this danger.This rule is rigorously enforced atall reputable playing fieldsworldwide. Obviously if a p shape isout of sight of the referee andtakes off his mask, then he islooking for trouble. AmericanInsurance statistics show that itis safer to play paintball than toplay golf or go fishing (Pierce,17). Getting hit by a paintball by and large does not hurt. You mayget an occasional bruise, but onthe whole the game is not painful.The excitement certainly outweighsany momentary discomfort a playermay feel. To lesson the chance ofbeing bruised, long sleeved shirtsand pants are highly recomm arrested.To be on the safe side, more thanone layer should be worn. Brightcolors should be avoided, purelybecause the m ore visible you are,the more likely you are to be shot.Most people like to recrudesce camouflageclothing. This helps them to blendinto the environment and not beeasily shot. Also, good qualityhiking or trail boots with anklesupport is a good conceit to protectboth feet and ankles.There are many different leaguesand tournaments you can participate... ...If thesurrounding team captures the itemand returns it to their station,they win. Also, surrounding playersalive at the end of the game can beassigned a point value to maketheir rescue even more important.The last game is a invariable playgame. The only extra items you needare a paper punch and a playercard. This is a great game to playwhen you stool a continuous streamof experienced players arriving onthe field at different times. Eachplayer is given a card to keep master of how many times he or sheis eliminated. When eliminated, theplayer comes off the field, punchesthe card and returns to the game.The team loses points every( prenominal) time ateam member is eliminated. The teamgains points every time they bringback the opposing sides flag.Paintball is a fun and seriousgame. It does not glorify war. Itis an old paintball adage that thesport very proves how easy itis to be shot. The supporters ofpaintball like to prefer the sportas a tactical game of skill.(Cooke, 93) You need to wearprotection and play fair soeveryone stays safe. Also, you canplay the regular, basic games ormake up your own. The mostimportant thing is to have fun andplay responsibly.
Paintball Essay -- essays research papers
Paintball is a fast and furioussport. It is played on both asocial and expert level by over 16million people around the world(Cooke,11). It is one of thefastest growing sports on theplanet. Paintballs history, jeopardizes,guns, and golosh are all part ofthe fun.In 1970, James Hale, an engineer,invented and patented the firstcommercially successful paintballgun. Paintball guns were first usedby the National Forest fellowshipto mark trees that would be cutdown. Then, it was used to markcattle by cowmans. One night whilesitting around a campfire, onecowboy shot another and that is howthe game of paintball got started.This "splotchmaker" can rightfullyclaim to be the grandfather ofmodern paintball guns (Peters, 73).Over the next two decades, DaisyManufacturing Co. Inc. of AirgunFrames manufactured these guns down the stairs contract for the Nelson PaintCo. During this twenty year span,paintball evolved from a"survivalist" game into thewholesome, exciting, family gam e itis today.In paintball, there are two teamsequipped with paintball markers.These are basically low-poweredairguns that fire small capsules ofpaint. It is not a dangerous sport.The only real danger is getting hitin the eye with a paintball.Wearing particular proposition goggles made forpaintball easily stops this danger.This rule is strictly enforced atall reputable playing fieldsworldwide. Obviously if a thespian isout of sight of the referee andtakes off his mask, then he islooking for trouble. AmericanInsurance statistics show that itis safer to play paintball than toplay golf or go fishing (Pierce,17). Getting hit by a paintballgenerally does not hurt. You mayget an occasional bruise, but onthe whole the game is not painful.The excitement certainly outweighsany momentary discomfort a playermay feel. To lesson the chance ofbeing bruised, long sleeved shirtsand pants are highly recommended.To be on the safe side, more thanone layer should be worn. Brightcolors should be avoided , purelybecause the more visible you are,the more promising you are to be shot.Most people like to wear camouflageclothing. This helps them to blendinto the environment and not beeasily shot. Also, good qualityhiking or trail boots with anklesupport is a good idea to protectboth feet and ankles.There are many different leaguesand tournaments you can participate... ...If the ring team captures the itemand returns it to their station,they win. Also, surrounding playersalive at the end of the game can beassigned a point value to maketheir birth even more grievous.The last game is a continuous playgame. The only extra items you needare a paper punch and a playercard. This is a great game to playwhen you have a continuous streamof experienced players arriving onthe field at different times. distributivelyplayer is given a card to keeptrack of how many times he or sheis eliminated. When eliminated, theplayer comes off the field, punchesthe card and returns to the game.The team loses points every(prenominal) time ateam member is eliminated. The teamgains points every time they bringback the opposing sides flag.Paintball is a fun and seriousgame. It does not glorify war. Itis an old paintball adage that thesport actually proves how easy itis to be shot. The supporters ofpaintball like to prefer the sportas a tactical game of skill.(Cooke, 93) You need to wearprotection and play fair soeveryone stays safe. Also, you canplay the regular, basic games ormake up your own. The mostimportant thing is to have fun andplay responsibly.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Coastal and waterway transport contracts in India
The Bill of Lading governs the documented aspect, the insurance is as a support, the merchant rapture act governs the rights and liabilities of the parties and the Carriage of goods act governs the disputes in matter of the marine Contracts and the carriage of goods. Objective of the study . The objective of making this travail is to study and research on Coastal and Waterway Transport contracts in India which is very important from the point of law of contracts. 2.The main objective of my study is to deduce and find out the procedure of how the contracts are formed during a shipping agreement and the rights and liabilities of efferent people during a same contract 3. All these concepts are different and various cases have given different Judgments upon different situations. 4. besides I came to know about how these concepts are varied in different nations like United States of America and United Kingdom. Research questions The research is mainly ground on these questionsl . How did the coastal and waterway transport contracts evolve in India? . Which acts and statutes have been set up for these types of contracts? 3. Explain the procedure of how does the coastal contracts work and the documents unavoidable for the same. 4. What is the importance of the Bill of Lading in these types of contracts? 31 scallywag 5. How does insurance play an important role in these contracts? 6. Mention the Comparative study of India with US and I-J in these types of contracts. 7. Please give needful suggestion for the topic and how to improve the position of coastal and waterway transport contract in India. Limitation of the projectl .In addition in every(prenominal) contracts of carriage of goods by sea, there were implied undertakings by the carrier wave that the carrying vessel was seaworthy and that the ship would commence and carry drop the contractual voyage with reasonable diligence without unjustifiable deviation. The Bill of lading was the basic shipping docume nt, evidencing the contractual relationship between carrier and shipper and forming the basis of all claims arising from the transportation of goods by sea.It was originally a non-negotiable document but with the growth of commerce the need was felt for transferring the property in the goods before the arrival of the goods at the destination by endorsing the bill of lading to the buyer and the practice came to be open up of issuing negotiable bill of lading. The early bills of lading contained only the gross law exception. As beat passed, however, ship-owners began generally to amend their bills of lading by introducing exemption clauses and thereby limit contractually the strict liability imposed upon them by maritime law.As and when court decision went against the carriers, they introduced more and more protective or pardoning clauses in the bill of lading and depending upon their bargaining position at a time when the volume of world trade exceeded the carrying capacity of shi pping, there sought to exempt themselves from practically every liability of ocean carriage. This resulted in growing satisfaction among shippers, bankers and underwriters who demanded legislating to remove the abuse produced by unlimited freedom of contract enjoyed by the http//www. Livening. Mom/Opinion/hkC9ZcvCbqlWbB141 Lends/After-years-of-neglect- India-wakes-up-toccatas-inland-WA. HTML, last accessed on 27th July 1 up. M. 5 Page carriers, the results was that several countries enacted legislation on the subject. The Harpers Act was enacted by USA in 1893 followed by the Australian Carriage of goods by Sea Act in 1904, The new-fashioned Zealand Shipping and Seaman Act in 1908 and the Canadian Water Carriage Act in 1910. The Harder Act aimed at protection of cargo interests, prohibited clauses exonerating the carrier or his agents from liability for faults in the care and custody of the cargo but at the same time.The Act provided that the carrier was not to be held liable for r esults of tidings if he had exercised due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and if the damage caused to the cargo resulted from faults and errors in the sailing or management of the vessel. The Harpers Act thus established an important principle in that it settled the problem f the carriers liability by making a distinction between faults in the management and navigation of the vessel and faults in the care and custody of cargo.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Frequency Of Diabetes Mellitus Health And Social Care Essay
Diabetess is a status in which the organic structure either fails to properly respond to its ain insulin, does non do adequate insulin, or both. This causes glucose to frame up in the blood, frequently taking to assorted complications. It is a c atomic number 18er endangering status. Holocene WHO calculations indicate that worldwide ab protrude 3 million deceases per twelvemonth are ascribable to diabetes. 1 23.6 million people in the USA i.e. 7.8 % of the population have diabetes. 2.3 million people in the UK are diabetics doing 8.8 % of population. In Pakistan 22.04 % of the population in urban and 17.15 % in rural countries give from diabetes mellitus. 2 Currently, it is projected that 150 million people on the Earth have diabetes 2 . This figure is expected to step-up to 300 million by the twelvemonth 2025 most of these instances will be symbol 2 diabetes 2 .The prevalence of type 2 diabetes varies widely amidst populations, reflecting differences in both familial susceptibleness and environmental influences 1 . The Asia and the Pacific have really high rates of diabetes and this is peculiarly due to the effects of modernisation, life style and the ripening of populations 1 . In fact, despite increasing consciousness of the turning job of diabetes and the recent publication of a figure of anticipations of current and prospective prevalence of diabetes worldwide, the U.S. is the lone state in the developed universe with dependable informations on national prevalence 7 .We conducted this survey in cultivated infirmary Karachi, a third circumspection infirmary to measure the current state of affairs of the rapid rise in diabetes in our patients and to place the associated factors which have contributed to this. later on finishing this survey we recommended alterations to the relevant authorization on territory and National degree so that appropriate stairss idler be taken to screen out this job which is increasing the economic load o n our state where the wellness budget is less than 2 per centum.MethodologyThis is a cross-sectional survey conducted at Civil infirmary Karachi over a period of 7 months ( from 1st January to 31st July 2009 ) Data was collected by questioning the patients sing Medical OPD of Civil Hospital Karachi through a good structured questionnaire. Stress degrees were evaluated by inquiring patients about insomnia ( in the past one month ) . A written take to for the afore-mentioned was taken from each patient. Initially a pilot survey was conducted questioning 10 patients sing aesculapian OPD of Civil Hospital Karachi. Any lacks in the questionnaire and rule of the survey were corrected. The sample size was 450 ( approved by the DUHS Ethics and Research Dept. ) . which was non the likely purposive sampling.Our chief aim was to measure the frequence of diabetes mellitus and associated factors in patients go toing medical OPD for which the patients included were holding a Fasting Plasma Gl ucose ( FPG ) degree of 126 mg/dL or above, which was confirmed by reiterating the trial on other twenty-four hours or an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test ( OGTT ) 2-hour glucose degree of 200 mg/dL or above which was confirmed by reiterating the trial on another twenty-four hours, A random, blood glucose degree of 200 mg/dL or higher, and the presence of increased micturition, thirst and unexplained weight leaving other symptoms can include weariness, blurred vision, increased hungriness, and sores that do non mend. Diabetic Patients with a diagnosing of high blood pressure i.e when the norm of 2 or more diastolic BP measurings on at least 2 conse lashive visits is 90 millimeter Hg or when the norm of several systolic BP readings on 2 or more subsequent visits is invariably 140 millimeter Hg. 10 PASW-18 ( Predictive Analytics Software ) was used for statistical analysis. For uninterrupted response variables like age, BMI, weight were presented by average SD. General distribution was presented by ratio ( M F ) or per centums. For comparing demographic and basic diabetes variables were used.The survey was minded(p) blessing by the moralss Review Committee of Dow University Of Health Sciences ( DUHS )ConsequencesThe frequence of Diabetes tack together in patients go toing medical OPD was 19.71 % .The Mean BMI was 25.24895.733. The frequence of Type 1 was 14 % and type 2 was 85.7 % .The most susceptible age group was 50-60 with a prevalence per centum of 19.8 % . The patients who besides reported stress related issues were 60.2 % and the patients with first grade dealing holding diabetes were 51 % . Patients who besides complained of Hypertension along with diabetes were 58.2 %BMI of PatientsNitrogenScopeMinimumMaximumMeanStd. DeviationBMI of platinum45052.2612.9265.1825.24895.73306High blood pressurepatient with emphasisFrequencyPercentageFrequencyPercentageno18741.8 %no17839.8 %yes26058.2 %yes26960.2 %household historytype of DMFrequencyPercentageFrequencyPerc entageno21949 %type 16214 %yes22851 %type 238886 %patient exercisingFrequencyPercentageno35578.8 %yes9521.2 %DiscussionThe frequence of Diabetes mellitus in patients go toing medical OPD was 19.72 % . This is present momentantly higher from the prevalence as far because we chiefly collected our informations from an already High Risk Population. Harmonizing to W.H.O 2.8 million i.e. 9 % in UK and 22.04 % in Pakistan are diabetics. 1 WHO estimates that over the following 10 old ages ( 2006-2015 ) , China will lose $ 558 billion in bygone national income due to bosom disease, stroking and diabetes entirely. 2 Numerous surveies have been conducted in the past linking Diabetes with assorted hazard factors. These surveies showed that additions in fleshiness and diabetes among US grownups continue in male and female, all booby degrees, all ages, all educational degrees, and in all races reasoning that fleshiness is strongly associated with several major wellness hazard factors. In 20 01 the prevalence of fleshiness ( BMI 30 ) was 20.9 % vs 19.8 % in 2000, an addition of 5.6 % . The prevalence of diabetes increased to 7.9 % vs 7.3 % in 2000, an addition of 8.2 % . The prevalence of BMI of 40 or higher in 2001 was 2.3 % . Overweight and fleshiness were significantly associated with diabetes, high blood force per whole area, high cholesterin, asthma, arthritis, and hapless wellness position. 14 and 15 Type 2 diabetes, characterized by target-tissue opposition to insulin, is like an pestilent largely in industrialised societies and is strongly associated with fleshiness nevertheless, the mechanism by which increased adiposeness causes insulin opposition is ill-defined.A survey was conducted to find the prevalence and bear on of corpulence and fleshiness among patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus on glycaemic control and cardiovascular hazard factors in patients go toing a secondary attention diabetes clinic in the United Kingdom. The consequences showed that Obesity is common among patients go toing this infirmary s diabetes clinic, with 86 % of those with type 2 diabetes were corpulent. Among the Chinese Adult population steps of cardinal grosbeak fleshiness are better forecasters of glucose tolerance abnormalcies prevalence than BMI. A WHtR cut-off point of 0.5 for both work forces and adult females can be considered as optimum for herald ( pre- ) diabetes and may be a utile tool for testing and wellness instruction. 13 In the US Nurses Health Study, 114,247 adult females were followed for 8 old ages and 2,333 instances of type 2 diabetes were confirmed. After commanding for multiple hazard factors, the comparative hazard of diabetes was 1.42 among adult females who smoked 25 or more coffin nails a twenty-four hours compared with non-smokers, proposing a sensible association between smoke and the consequent development of diabetes. 16 A similar survey of 41,810 in-between aged work forces found that those who smoked more than 25 coffin nails daily had a comparative hazard of diabetes of 1.94 compared with non-smokers. 17 Smoking compounds the diabetic jobs Smoking which causes type 2 diabetes can impact the other manner unit of ammunition, excessively. Diabetics who smoke are at more hazard of worsening their wellness jobs.Diabetics who smoke are at a higher hazard ( three times ) to decease of bosom onslaught and shot than diabetics who do non smoke moreover blood glucose, blood force per unit area, cholesterin degrees and the opportunity of infections shoots up among diabetics as smoke amendss the blood vass of these patients which makes harder for their organic structure to mend. They can eventually stop up in amputations. Diabetics who already suffer from kidney, nervus and joint disease can damage the same when they smoke. Diabetics who continue to smoke face trouble in contending against cold and other respiratory diseases and are prone to develop dangerous malignant neoplastic diseases in oral cavity, pharynx, lung and vesica. They besides have greater hazard of being impotent taking to psychological and societal jobs.DecisionPakistan has a quickly lifting prevalence of diabetes and other classs of unnatural glucose tolerance. Pakistan is in one of the most High hazard countries of the universe where Diabetes is prevailing. The prevalence of diabetes in Pakistan is one of the highest yet reported from a developing state with a contrasting background as compared to the western states.The frequence of Diabetes mellitus found in our research survey was 19.71 % .The most important associations were Patient s age, Obesity, Stress, Family History, Ethnic group, diet and Hypertension.RecommendationsEarly sensing and bar of diabetes in the high hazard group is of import in order to forestall the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes mellitus. Designation of High hazard group their societal, life manner and dietetic alteration may cut down the development of d iabetes.The survey was conducted in order to place the incidence and associated factors of diabetes in our population.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Cooking Is My Hobby Essay
I enjoy gainery beca procedure it keeps me happy in my life. Whenever I feel sad or upset, limiting ease that for me in a big way. I started cooking when I was 6, but it was as simple as putting ham and cheese amidst 2 slices of bread and used my favorite condiment of maynaise and let it heat up for about 30 seconds. When I grew older, my knowledge of food grew to new depths when I acquire how to cook American food on the grill when I was 13 and my dad was the sole reason why I got better since he explained to me how to use temperature control. The 1st dish I made on my own without any kind of assistance was Alaskan Cod with Lemon Pepper which I enjoyed actually much when it was baked in an oven. Now, in my college years, I evolved into making cursine in many cultures such as tacos from Mexico, crepes from France, peking duck from China, and pizza from Italy using my ingredients I purchased from HEB, Fiesta, or Chinatown in my hometown.Cooking is the only thing in which I know how to do best and I usually cook for my family, relatives, friends, or peck whom I do not know. Sometimes, I cook multiple of one thing for homeless people and disturbute them across the city. My least favorite thing to cook is vegetables since I do not like them, but if someone requests them on their plate, I will not be unwilling to cook them. Instead, I would take on their desires and make it for them. I have invested hours of my time per day to be more knowlegable about different cooking methods from various chefs instead of just one in order to be prepared for different styles of cooking and perferences from guests. My signature dish is pork and leek dumplings with either soy sauce or acetum or my orange chicken with basil and coconut broth so if you are ever in my area, I will be willing to cook for you.
Friday, May 24, 2019 business strategy
Advertising is an impersonal selling and communication method which makes use of various types of media to build the target public in short time. Advertising aims at gaining exposure, creating awareness, changing attitudes of target nodes in favor of sponsors product and services and also at effecting gross revenue and improving corporate image.Media Selection for No. 1 match Media planning includes decisions relating to which media should be used and when and how often should advertisements be placed in the selected media. The basic aspiration of media planning is to optimize the communication reach to the relevant audience within the available budget. Effective and efficient adverting rests on decisions based on collecting info from appropriate internal and external sources.a) Press (including all types of newspapers and magazines) wider circulation, limited life, good for mass communication and reminder message.b) Direct Mail Restricted circulation, flexible usage, cliquish in nature, high impact.c) Outdoor (including hoardings, posters, neon signs) local circulation, durable, reminder media.d) Radio Wide reach, cuts through illiteracy barriers, quick reminder messages possible.e) Television Combines both sound and Visual, limited reach, high degree of viewers involvement, suitable for product demonstration.f) Miscellaneous (such as exhibition/fairs) Local reach, good product demonstration, impactful response.Promotion It is through Budget, theme, media, timing. If study resources are to be committed, plan for measurement of promotional effectiveness should be include feedback from the market place, marketing research. Like products and prices, customization of advertising and promotion are very much possible in cyber marketing. Besides customization, the customer is contacted when he is giving full attention to the website. In fact, when a customer views any site he has done so after deliberate and conscious effort and choice. This increases his com mitment to the message that he is viewing on the internet.It generates a hierarchy of impacts like induction of awareness, interest, desire and action on the consumer. Internet has been found to be amenable to finer tuning for most of these impacts. As a result, it is possible to better disco biscuit the customer from one level of impact to the next higher one and do so more quickly. The combination of this factor with the feature of individualization makes the production very powerful.Direct MarketingAll corporate marketing activities have to be necessarily carried out in such a way that they collar to generation of surplus funds. Market segmentation helps in optimising the marketing mix for a segment.The output of a segmentation analysis is a profile of customer target group focusing on details that will best help to develop product, promotional, pricing and distribution strategies.The set of benefits sought to build the manikin of benefits sought and then select benefits in our offering that will constitute a critical advantage to act as the buying inducement. Segmentation of a market is not an arbitrary process, but neither is there a unique set of segments to be discovered. The two approaches, top down and bottom up (logical division and offering) which are used for breaking up.Public Relationsmeasuring the degree of success of a public relations campaign or improving the response of personnel in numbermatch.comMeasuring performance against standardsMeasurement of performance against standards should ideally be a forward-looking or on proactive instauration with a view to detecting deviations in advance of their occurrences, and should be avoided by appropriate corrective action in advance. The project manger scum bag often predict probable perceive much ahead of schedule, it should be uncovered as early as possible.ReferencesPhilip Kotler (2002), 11th ed., Marketing Management, PHI-New Delhi
Thursday, May 23, 2019
THEME ANALYSIS ON HENRIK IBSEN A DOLLS HOUSE A Seminar Paper Presented to Prof. SIMBULAN Language Department College of Arts and Sciences ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY Echague, Isabela In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the course ENGLISH 32 By PEARL JOY VINLUAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. substructure * Statements of the problem * Objectives of the take aim * Significance of the Study * Scope and Limitations * Definition of Terms II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE III. METHOD OF DEVELOPMENT IV. SYNOPSIS OF THE STORY V.SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION * Summary and Conclusion * Recommendations INTRODUCTION The study of literary works has two aspects one, of simple enjoyment and appreciation the other, of analysis and description. When we listen to a song that appeals to the ear or read literature that appeals to the heart, for the bite at least, we discover a new world, a world so difficult from ours that it seems to be a world of dreams and fancies. To analyze and explain th em may be joyous but nevertheless, an important skill to develop.Our impulse to read and enjoy upon it is a universal one, answering a number of psychological needs that solely of us, in certain moods and on certain occasion share. Such needs to be sure, vary greatly from individual to individual, for they are in turn, the product of our reprint tastes, experiences and education. They also vary within each of us they shift and alter as we change and grow. Enjoying Literature, however, means much more than getting pleasure from our reading. cheer also includes understanding. Literature is a kind of mirror that enables us to see ourselves better and to understand what we see.When we read a character like Nora in A Dolls House, realize that telling the truth will set her free and give her peace of mind. This kind of experience upon understanding literature is one of our greatest sources of enjoyment. Statement of the Problem This study is sought to answer the following questions 1. What is the news report of the story? 2. How is the theme manifested in the story? 3. What is the implication of the theme to the present time? Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are as follows 1. To find out the theme of the story 2.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Reception Analysis High School Students
Nowadays, Korean goal and Its cultural products concord been Influencing every nation, invading Asia and the rest of the world. This thin is popularly cognize as the Korean quake or Halley, which greatly influenced the way batch live today. Korean invasion started number one in idiot box dramas which got a lot of fans globally despite of the linguistic process barrier. And these goggle box dramas made their viewers love Korean characters and their culture as well, which signaled the birth of Korean wave.Today, Korea is still developing more products that they can introduce to the undivided world ND it means more products for the fans who love to watch every single episode of their favorite Korean drama or who go ghastly for their Korean Idols. In the Philippines, Just like the Mexican tealeaves that were popular back In the days, Korean tv dramas or Cornflakes became a big hit to the adjudicate of Philippine audience, especially the teenagers. Filipino juvenility in t his generation argon now changing slowly and ar catching up with what Is the new ignore today.Cornflakes and other Korean products have Influenced the Filipino youth and changed their preferences in music, invent, food, and etc. This guinea pig is about the media consumption of Filipino youth in reflexion Cornflakes and what keeps them watching this kind of television program. The youth have psychological or sociological necessarily that they want to satisfy by watching programs that are introduced by media. And around of the needs of these young people can be gratified by the Cornflakes that they watch. Their needs serve as their driving force in consuming contrasted products. . RATIONALE In these modern times, the youth are creating their new world where they can express their creativity and passion through popular culture. The get around of Korean pop culture or Halley all over the world had influenced the way teenagers live, especially the Filipino youth. This phenomen on changed their taste for music, clothes, hairstyle, food, gadgets, and many more. The youth have their own needs that can be satisfied by Korean cultural products, pointly television dramas, which media has introduced to them.Korean television dramas, or popularly known in the Philippines as Cornflakes, have won the hearts of the Filipino audience, especially the young people. And with that simple appreciation from the viewers, Korean pop culture has been slowly entering In the ivies of many. Some people started as an avid fan of a particular Korean star from the television drama that they watch, and then hithertotually they imitate everything that OFF media in watching Korean television dramas, the more they are influenced by this kind of media content. Understanding the needs of these young people might go by us to know the reasons of their consumption.This study can give us an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the views of young Cornflake fanatics. With this, the sid e of Cornflake enthusiasts and the side of non-Shoppers can obtain mutual understanding and respect. REVIEW OF colligate LITERATURE l. Korean Wave or Halley South Korea has been emerging as a source of power for the production of transnational pop culture which spread first to neighboring Asian countries, later to the Middle East and North Africa, and more recently to Europe and the Americas (Park & Change, p. 2).This phenomenon is introduced as Korean wave which refers to the significantly change magnitude popularity of South Korean culture around the world it is also referred to as Halley, in the Korean language. The term was coined in china in mid-1999 by capital of Red China Journalists surprised by the fast growing popularity of Korean entertainment and culture in China (Lee, 2011, p. 86). The first wave of Halley in China was the invasion of television dramas. Initially, it seemed that the boom in Korean entertainment in China was accidental rather than deliberate (Steinbe rg, 2010, p. 53). Later, the rave for Korean drama expanded to include non only music, dance, and film, but also literature, fashion, and even Korean cuisine and became the driving force in Koreans tourism. The Korean government picked up on this phenomenon fairly pronto and went on a nationalistic campaign to promote Halley in different slipway (Park & Change, p. ). The Korean wave portrays an unprecedented frame of Korean popular culture by the Korean media alongside the line with commercial nationalism.As a result, the Korean wave is manifested as a regional cultural trend signifying a joy of Korean culture (Lee, 2011, p. 85). Korean cultural products have become a catalyst for curiosity about Korean culture and Korea itself. Korean dramas in particular have served as an important bridge for the different countries to encounter Korean culture. The Korean wave has had a marked impact in various ways regarding transaction with other countries. Local sentiment towards Korea has not been respectable in the past, but the Korean wave has fundamentally changed the national image of Korea in a positive way.The Korean wave ultimately improved Koreans image in foreign countries, which in turn created a ripple effect that has extended a great deal farther than Just the Korean economy or peninsula (Lee, 2011, p. 86). Korean Television Dramas Korean television dramas (K-dramas) have enjoyed immense popularity all over the world. It is part of the phenomenon known as Halley or Korean Wave, in which all things Korean from television dramas to popular music to fashion are consumed by audiences all over the world. K-dramas ushered the Wave, setoff in China in the late sass through hit TV shows such as What is relish? Which aired in China cardinal Television (CATV) in 1997 (chorea, p. 1). Which view Asian family-friendly values as the main reason for the success of the shows. As many Korean television dramas have won the hearts of fans in China, Taiwan, Japan, Southe ast Asia, and overseas Asian communities worldwide, prominent cultural scholars like Chichi Buckish and Chug Been Heat began to analyze the penetration of Korean television dramas into Asian markets and defined he process as newly emerging intra-Asian popular cultural flows under globalization forces Nouns, 2009, p. 9). Many fans of Korean television dramas let out about the physical attractiveness of the Korean actors and actresses and their modern and glamorous fashion, make-up and hairstyles. They also point to the lavish productions, including their skillful editing, beautiful cinematography, good acting, captivating storyline, and accessibility. give thanks to recent IT and digital-media developments, versions of these dramas are available for little or no cost with various subtitle options, includingEnglish, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, Turkish, Spanish, and several(prenominal) Chinese dialects (Jung, 2009, p. 72). Viewers from various countries and backgrounds are bony to K orean dramas of various reasons. For Americans, these dramas are relaxing and cheerful while for Europeans, the apostrophize rests on uncomplicated and romantic plots. Middle East an Muslim audiences, meanwhile, are worn-out to the subtle repression of emotions and intense romantic passion without overt sexuality (Chorea, p. L).For Asians, the appeal of Korean television dramas rests on its so-called emotional power which comes from the interwoven themes of family, romance, friendship, martial arts, war, and business sector as well as the way the characters face issues on love in a tender, meaningful and emotional than sensual manner. The Asian sensibilities of proportioning family and of expressing emotions in a subtle manner also appeal to Asian viewers across generations (Chorea, p. 1). II. Korean Wave in the Philippines counterbalance before the Korean wave, Filipinos were long fans of trade dramas.Soap operas and drama series have become a staple for daytime and primetimes viewing I the Philippines. In the sass, Mexican tealeaves became the mania, with huge hits like Roseland and Marimba attracting ratings above 50 percent. Asian dramas, including Korean, have become hits in the sass (Hiccup, 2009). In the Philippines, Korean dramas are fondly called Cornflakes, a term coined by Philippine television channel GAMMA 7 as a marketing buzzword for the growing popularity of K-dramas, following the past successes of the Mexican tealeaves, Taiwanese chi-novella and Japanese J-drama trends.Since Bright Girl, the first Korean drama shown in the Philippines through GAMMA 7 in 2003, K-dramas have bee deadly gaining popularity among Filipinos. But Korean dramas popularity picked u its pace when Endless Love Autumn in My Heart was shown in the same year in the same channel (Chorea, p. 1). Rival network ABS-CB was quick to latch on to the trend and aired its own set of Korean television dramas. In fact, in 2005, the Philippines was counted among major importing c ountries of Korean dramas in Asia, with Japan leading at 60. Percent, China at 9. 9 percent, Philippines at 3. 7 percent, and Taiwan at 1. 4 percent. The dramas. Often, these dramas are dubbed in the Filipino language. Characters are also given names that are familiar sounding to Filipinos, such as Vivian for the lead female character and Carlo for the male lead character in Lovers in Paris. Soundtracks and background music are given a Filipino touch through the inclusion of local music artists, an example being Kitchen Naiads Wag an Wag Mongo Scabbing, also in Lovers in Paris (Chorea, p. ). Filipinos love Cornflakes because they can relate to the stories. The Korean dramas are quite escapist and moving. Aside from the touching pipelines, the production is very a visual reckon of places that most of the Filipinos are not accustomed to seeing. Filipino people are very easy to please and so the theme of the Korean drama has moved(p) their hearts easily. They can relate with the sto ry and at the same time looking and familiarizing on the tangible cultural manifestation of that country.This is a skeletal system of metasyntactic translation/dubbing. This method, a technical aspect of understanding a foreign drama is the tool or bridge of Korean drama that the Filipino understands. It makes them arouse on a drama that offers something new and at the same time something informative which are all pleasing to their consciousness (Rexes, p. 4). Indeed, in the past several years, Filipino viewer tastes for dramas have evolved. They are no longer content with Filipino-made drama series, but welcome Essentials, including Korean drama series.As long as they appeal to the taste of TV audiences, Cornflakes will continue to warm the hearts of Filipinos (Hiccup, 2009). Ill. Korean Wave influencing youth culture According to the paper entitled The Impact of K-pop to the Filipino Youth by students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines, the K-pop fever or Halley can be easily spotted in the country in basis of Filipinos clothing nowadays, music, behavior, attendances and even in television industry. Here are some examples that they stated with regards on how the Koreans are affecting the country, most especially the Filipino youth A.Restaurants & Food several(prenominal) Korean and Korean-inspired restaurants have popped up like mushrooms all over Metro Manila, from those serving traditional banana (assorted sidedness) and bulldog (grilled marinated meat) to those specializing in double-fried chicken. Because a lot of Korean has moved here in our country they tend to bring their own set of food like those mentioned from above. One of the most liked aspect of Halley is their Korean Dramas, when a teenager see or need that his or her idols favorite dish is Chime he/she will search for this food Just to learn why his/her idol love this particular dish.Another reason is that for them to connect with their idols in simple ways in this instance the y want to connect in terms of the food they eat. B. Music Korean shows a great way to introduce Filipinos to the countrys mainstream music, which is collectively called K-pop. After listening to intros, ending songs and official sound tracks of their favorite series, these Cornflake Junkies arrest to search about different k-pop artists and bands, with most popular of them in Junior, which has held two Jam-packed concerts in Manila.Of course, Filipinos also have a soft spot for the four-member NINE , which includes former ABS-CB talent Sandra Park. And after making the whole world do his hilarious horse dance, it is unhurt to say that Psych of Kananga Style fame is included in every Filipinos K-Pop dramatic play list. Nowadays a lot of teenage groups of boys and girls are popping up like mushrooms after the rain. The manner of their performance and even the way they Reese is obviously influenced by the Korean pop stars. A lot of teenagers play list is mostly composed of differen t Korean songs from their favorite series or their favorite K-Pop bands.Thus it is safe to say that the youth of today is greatly influenced by the K-Pop fever. C. Beauty and Fashion Nowadays, Korean hairstyle is very popular in the Philippines. Along with the fascination for Korean Stars is to achieve their unique hairstyles and flawless complexions, thus the sudden popularity of Korean salons and other beauty and fashion items. Every Filipinos cut their hair Just to feel them comfortable and infinite, and the Korean hairstyle is now at the top of young Filipino hairstyle choices. Sometimes they risk school by violating the school policy on proper haircut but this does not matter.Again, what matters is they look like Koreans. The youth in the Philippines tend to immortality their idols, to think that their idol is perfect thus their will to imitate them based on their clothing, hairstyles, and whatnot. Most of the youth today is using their idealization for these Korean Pop stars a s a way to live, or as their coping mechanism if they have family problems or armory issues. By living for their idols they have a purpose and excuse to be someone else. The Filipino fans not only developed an interest in the Cornflakes or KOP music but also the likeness towards the Korean Fashion.This Korean fashion trend exploded among the students who love to be hip and chic and In with the new. Even sometimes they may look weird, as long as they tried to imitate the Korean hair, clothing style and shoes, to them the idea that they copied the Koreans perfectly is what matters. Indeed, the Korean fashion is now trending in the Philippines and it is big influence to the Filipinos who are very obsessed to the fashion because with the fashion, they learn how to mix and match dresses with different styles and colors.One factor that may lead to this influence is not the television but the Korean presence in the country since a big number of them are studying in the Philippines. In the ir presence, they have influenced their Filipino classmates and friends to dress and look like them. Because of this, some Filipinos have lost their originality for trying to imitate everything from the Korean culture (Rexes, p. 5). Apparently, Filipinos have been disgusted by their own brand of fashion. The flashy and overly stylish Korean fashion has now affected not only the look but the way of career of the Filipinos. D.Gadgets and Appliances The Philippines has been home to several Korean made gadgets even before the age of Halley in the Philippines. One of the biggest brands here and globally as well is Samsung, which sells anything from appliances to mobile phones. branching is also a perfect example, which is endorsed by Lee Min Ho. Here in the Philippines teenagers can easily acquire these said gadgets because of their allowance. In the world of robbery the youth will buy this brand or line. Solely because it is endorsed by their idol, not considering if the said product is really functional wise or if they really need it in some case.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Id, Ego and Super-Ego As it relates to ââ¬ÅThe Lord of the Fliesââ¬Â Essay
Many people have different types of personalities. The characters from the story The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, have 3 different parts of personality of the brain. According to Freud these atomic number 18 the three parts Id, Ego and the Super-Ego. Freuds personality theory really shows in The Lord of the Flies.In the story Jack would be described as the Id. According to Sigmund Freud, Id is the part of your personality you are born with that you have to control. These aspects of personality are entirely unconscious and make you have a bad behaviour if you dont ram what you desire, want or need. Jack had a problem following the rules and controlling his behavior about working together to get rescued with the separate kids. He killed people, not caring about the consequences. He felt like he could do anything he wanted, Id people dont care about following rules thats the last thing they care about.On the other hand, Super-ego is very different from Id. People who are r uled by Super-Ego follow the rules and even make them. They sense whats right and wrong. In The Lord of the Flies the Super-Ego was Piggy. He would take everything very seriously when it would come era to make plans. For mannikin he said, How can you expect to be rescued if you dont put first things first and act proper? (p 45). It shows us how much he wants order in the group and for everybody to act maturely. Super-Ego also operates in accordance with social conformity and appropriateness. The super-ego, its role of moral authoritarian, is the opposite of the Id.The other main character from the Lord of the Flies was Ralph. Hes the champion known as the leader. He cared, showed kindness and also was veryintelligent. The personality delineate by Ralph is the Ego. The role of the Ego is to sift through what is real and what isnt. They make decisions by their thoughts, theyfollow what makes sense to them and how they relate it to the world we put out in. Ralph demonstrates common sense and reality, which is one of the things Ego has. Ralph was very realistic about being rescued when everybody was saying that nobody would find them. He also wanted to have fun an example of how the Ego balances the Id and Super-Ego is showed Ralph is figuring out what to do, This is what I thought. We want to have fun. And we want to be rescued. (p 37).William Golding really shows us how human nature could be. He illustrates how truly bad humans can be. Golding makes very good use of characters in The Lord of the Flies, he shows both good and evil through each of the characters. He apothegm how destructive humans can be, and how normal people transform from a civilized human being into a savage in a agile second. The ending tells us that people dont really imagine what other people can do. The military officer made a parody that it was ironic of whats accident on the island, We saw your smoke. What you been doing? Having a war or something? (p 201). Its ironic how the mi litary officer said something that was exactly what was happeninghe would have never thought some little kids would do something like that. The Lord of the Flies is a picture of the society in which we live today. It is a novel, which explains some of the issues like violence and many other things that are happening in the world.It is much easier to side with evil but very repugn to support humans and what we know is right. Society keeps everybody civilized and we need rules and principles to live by.The Id, Ego and Super-Ego are why we are different from each other, it explains why we look and behave differently. Freud knew all parts of personality must exist together in balance for a person or a society to blockage healthy, live happily and safely.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Maaza Story Essay
1. Maaza story the fruits of successful international brandThe name Maaza denotes taste, enjoyment, represents diamond, in different languages and the brand Maaza has turned appear to be a champ performer across the region and beyond. The main members for Maaza bottling ar Natural Fruit Pulp, treated water, natural indistinguishable flavour and Vitamin C along with other food additives to balance the sweetness, taste & consistency of the beverage.2. Maaza valuesIn our organization we create a healthy work environment enabling us to bring out the best from our employees and promote team work through mutual co-operation, pooling of resources, sharing of ideas and free expression of opinion. Our employees are totally committed to their goals and have independence and integrity in their evaluation and decision-making.3. Maaza assuranceMaaza external is committed to declare oneself the clients and franchisees competitive techno commercial services in its various field of expertis e to achieve customer satisfaction at all levels of operation. We are committed to quality, integrity and excellence in whatever we do to meet our mission and achieve our Vision. We continuously improve the process through which we deliver our services and provide our staff with the training and tools necessary to contribute to our quality efforts. We strive to always review and evaluate our implementation to guarantee the highest level of customer service. Our success is measured by the customer satisfaction and feedback.4. Maaza FlavoursEven though the most popular drink is Maaza Mango, the other product range includes the Maaza Guava, Maaza Pineapple, Maaza Apple, Maaza Mix Fruit and Maaza Orange, the fruit pulp and concentrate to manufacture these being sourced from reputed manufactures from India, Europe and the Far East. The latest addition to our product range includes Maaza Bits, a juice drink with real fruit pieces.5.Maaza solid groundMaaza Mango is a fruit juice base drink which contains an ideal combination of the famous Alphonso and Totapuri varieties of Mango pulp. The drink is formulated taking into consideration the nutritional and health aspects with a unique taste unparalleled by any other brand before long in the market.6.Maaza familyMaaza started initially with returnable glass bottles, was leader in innovated packaging solution and the first who create ducky bottles in Middle East. The aim of the company was to set up a modern flossy drink bottling plant. Maaza has made its mark with diverse range of exotic juices.The drinks are packed in glass, cans, PET bottles and paper packs.7.Maaza Advantageperfect ingredient for aMOCKTAILBeing a fruit based juice drink, Maaza can be enjoyed in more ways than just a refreshing beverage. Perfect ingredient for a mocktail Tropical Ice cubes with Maaza The perfect blend for a fruit salad8.Maaza ReachToday, Maaza has become the worlds favourite mango beverage brand and has won the hearts of millio ns of consumers for its quality and great taste. Maaza International Company acquired the rights for the MAAZA Brand name of juices with an expansive territory that covers a large part of the globe such(prenominal) as all of Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Far East among the others.9.Grow with MaazaWith a Maaza Franchise, you can yoke with both young and old consumer across the world. Heres an exclusive invitation to join the international Maaza by establishing your own franchise. Maaza International Co. under separate franchise agreement is presently dealing with various bottlers in different countries, granting them the rights to manufacture and distribute the drinks under the brand name MAAZA. The concentrates for manufacturing the drinks are supplied by Maaza International Co. under the above agreement. Technical assistance and periodic quality inspection by the Technical Representatives of the company are conducted regularly at the bottlers factory to ensure that high quality and consistency of the drinks are maintained.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Economical and Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis on Hybrid Cars Essay
A mark gondola is a gondola propelled by the application of two or more than power sources. First attempts to introduce hybrid rail mood cars goes arse to mid 1660, way before the discovery and introduction of the fuel powered accomplished cars but were neer commercially reachd until 21st ascorbic biting when Japanese car manufacturer, Toyota produced the Toyota prius exclusively for its domestic market. In fact, it is estimated that the first-year attempt to produce a hybrid car was in 1665.The delay in the production of this variance of vehicles was because of two main reasons first, the limited range in the distance the vehicles could cover and secondly the difficulty and dear(p) function of recharging their batteries. Furthermore, it is a basic science concept that the more complex a machine is the more it is prone to failure and thus the idea of commercial production of hybrid vehicles has been a slow process over the centuries.Worlds population explosion, demand for fresh ventilate and green cities, dwindling crude deposits, over dependency in overseas anele, economic recession and orbiculate warming atomic number 18 meet some of the environmental and economic factors that dumbfound forced domains leading car manufacturers to leave to the market car models that are non all environmentally couthy but in addition equal put upive. A cost-benefit analysis on this topic testament attempt to bring out the cost of getting a hybrid car into the road in comparison to the benefits that the being stands to reap as a allow of this venture.This research seeks to bring to the surface three major(ip) aspects that are associated with the introduction of hybrid cars into the dit world. These three issues are (i) The cost of producing a hybrid car The successful landing of a hybrid car is in focus under this area. It is not easy to get into the road a car that arranges use of a combination of two or more sources of energy. The research i nvolved is estimated to run to millions of dollars thus sky-rocketing the price of a hybrid car.(ii) Environmental factors Environmental factors simply refer to the concerns that a particular fictional character of car produces substances that injure our surroundings thus devising life on estate more stern and therefore more complex. These substances include green domiciliate gases as healthy as toxic metal compounds such as the ones that contain lead in their structure. (iii) scotch cost benefit factors Economic factors stupefy much to do with the living standards of people as cold as the generation and investment of property is concerned.The economic make up of the world has gotten pegged heavily on crude and there are concerns from all right thinking citizen of the world that this is a self devour trend that is likely to create full economic problems if the oil industry hits a serious problem. This has already been witnessed before whereby a slight pass over in o il prices has sent shockwaves in economies in both the developed and the developing world. Literature refresh The make forer Vice President of the coupled States who later won the Democratic Party nomination and confused the presidency in a controversial manner to George W Bush, Mr.Al Gore, has had the world rethinking its actions as far as the degeneration of the environment is concerned. An inconvenient Truth, a film he worked on captures the problems that are already being experienced in various parts of the world as a result of world(a) warming. This, he says is being fuelled by the use of environmentally unfriendly cars that use oil or flatulence (Gore, 2006, para1-3). It is not surprising that he went a head to win a Nobel Prize for this peace of work. voltaic and hybrid cars have always received much appreciation due to the perceived ability to articulated lorry this burning issue of climate change.Their ability to cut the emission of these toxic substances into the at mosphere that lead to ostracize climatic shift is the major reason for this (Anderson and Anderson, 2004, pp 6-10). In recognition of this serious problem, vital steps have been made in the research that is involved in the development and production of cars that make use of a combination of two or three sources of locomotive energy. Chief among these is the research into electric cars that promise to shave the overreliance on oil (Westbrook, 2001, pp 34-39).The pioneer nation in the world in the research and possible push-down stack production of hybrid cars is Japan. But the appetite with which the United States of America has picked up the issue points to the significance of this suit of car. The driving force is the reduction in pollution, the saving that comes in terms of finances and most significantly national security that is put at lay on the line with too much dependency on irrelevant oil. The argument is often projected in terms of supplying their dollars to nations that fund terror groups such as al Qaeda (Boschert, 2006 pp 2-7).It is common knowledge that mass production of hybrid cars leave behind not only provide a partial solution to world environmental problems but also be a practical measure to save countries from losses running to millions of dollars due to escalating prices of world crude oil. The cost of producing a hybrid car The production of hybrid cars is not a cheap or a childlike venture. Confessions by companies that have dipped their fingers into this hot pot have clearly shown that more than just primary technology is in play in the production of this type of cars.Research that has been on-going for a long m now is very complicated and has consumed millions of dollars. At the end of the day, despite the hyped advantages of shifting from purely oil consuming cars to hybrid cars, the cost that must be borne has to be high (Westbrook,2001,pp 56-61). It is the overall ability of the hybrid car to assist man in solving most of his economic and environmental problems that make the whole play worthwhile. Environmental factors While scientists agree that there can never be perfect environmentally friendly hybrid cars and that this depends solely on the design and model of hybrid power system.It is worthy appreciating that the use of this configuration of vehicles will automatically lead to the reduction of global warming by approximately 0. 3 to 0. 5 percent and that more advanced models and designs in the coming years due to technological advances would reduce this mannequin even further. The problems of the quality of urban air, reduction of noise due to application of electric force back in fuel power conventional cars, and elimination of smog forming pollutants could be solved in a century if research on mass production of hybrid cars is defendn a priority.The main source of air pollutants in cities and major towns is battery-acid. Fuel powered conventional motor vehicles produce much higher level s of light speed dioxide (Co2) ampere-second monoxide (Co), nitrogen oxides (Nox) and hydro light speeds (Hc) and this from the primary source of these dangerous pollutants. This is mainly because fuel powered conventional cars (FPCC) make short trips that do not give time for electric motor warm ups and cold starts. It is mention that hybrid cars reduced the levels of the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide by 97% in comparison to other(a) sources of these pollutants. atomic number 6 monoxide (C0), when inhaled for long periods interferes with the proper functioning of the brain in that it impairs the flow of oxygen (O2) into the brain. Once the brain kale working in the expected way, the person involved turns into a vegetable. Carbon dioxide and water vapor form the principal components of green house gases that bring about the green house effect. Green house effect is a scenario in which too much heat is trapped within the atmosphere due to the forepart of such toxic gases as carbon monoxide and this resultant effect is a highly raised earth temperature.Infact carbon dioxide (C02) is considered one of the major atmospheric pollutants, and is solely responsible for approximately 57% global warming. forbid set up of global warming include the rapidly declining numbers of polar bears and melting of ice in the tropical zone. It is therefore an open knowledge that releasing carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere is detrimental to the lives of living reed organisms and the equilibrium of the ecosystem. treat and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are very dangerous air pollutants produced by combustion of sulphur containing fuels.Over the years, scientists have devised bureau of producing sulphur and lead free fuels but achieving an excellent degree is still a distant mirage. certification of these compounds in the air is harmful to plants, man and infrastructure. Exposure to high concentration of sulphur dioxide irritates respiratory tracts m aking breathing difficult and can easily cause lung problems. Sulfur Oxide contributes to respiratory illness. Patients suffering from heart diseases risk aggravating their conditions if exposed to even mild concentration of sulfur oxides.These components also form secondary pollutants when transported and combine with other elements forming sulphates, nitrate salts, nitrogen dioxides and even nitric acid vapor. This is what is commonly known as acid rain that corrodes buildings, burns vegetations, burns the homophile skin and destroys infrastructure. Chlorofluorocarbons also form component of green house gases that bring about the effect of global warming. When exposed to gamma rays, these compounds break down to release chlorine atoms.The presence of chlorine atoms in the atmosphere catalyses splitting of Ozone (O3) into oxygen gas (O2), however the negative effects of their presence overweigh their importance. Photochemical air pollution, usually known as smog and is commonly sported in the tropics and subtropics is also caused by incomplete combustion of gasoline emitted by fuel powered conventional vehicles. This process leads to the production of Ozone gas that is responsible for irritation in the eyes, extensive damage to plants and crops and lung complications.The release of carbon dioxide (C02), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides (N0x) and other pollutants into the atmosphere contributes to the destruction of plants on the earths surface. Photosynthesis, the process by which trees produce oxygen from carbon dioxide is so vital to human life in fact it is verbalise that life cannot exist without trees. Destruction of trees by releasing these pollutants into the air is equal to destruction of both human life and plant life.While particulate matters are the main contributors to lung problems and most cancer cases, hydrocarbons are also a cause of lung problems and other tissue problems. Long exposure to high concentrations of hydrocarbons eventually leads to total organ failures. Furthermore it is a major contributor to birth defects and other complicated illnesses like cancer. With the commercial manufacture and introduction of hybrid cars, extensive damage to the environment is definitely reduced, quality of life enhanced and urban areas become clean to inhabit, the dream of world environmental rights groups.Economic factors Crude oil is the raw physical that propels almost all components of worlds economy in many ways. In fact the world is so dependent on crude oil that if its supply would be cut abruptly, major world economies like United States of America, Russia and China would immediately come to a standstill. United States depends on crude oil alone for 40% of its energy supply, triple than other sources. Overdependence on crude oil is not sizable enough. First, crude oil is a non-renewable source of energy and analysts predict it will be largely half-hearted within half a century.This rings an alarm bell that if measures are not put in place and countries go green by using hybrid cars, then the future is bleak and the sound out is in danger. Transportation sector depends entirely on oil for energy supply. Trucks, planes, ships cars and buses are propelled by motor engines that use oil. Introducing hybrid cars would reverse this trend, make the world safer from fluctuating oil prices and reduce dependence on this energy source (Paterson, 2007 para. 3-5).Reliance on crude oil for fuel supply is a major contributor to ethnic and tribal wars in Africa. This demonstrates the levels at which scramble for this commodity has reached. In fact notably China is so hungry for crude oil that it is ready to ignore the sufferings of millions of peoples around the world and specifically Sudan, so as to get its industry moving. It therefore points to the fact that lasting peace and safety will be found and armed conflicts reduced drastically when less fuel consuming cars are produced and thirstiness for oil curtailed. crossbreed cars are pocket friendly as they consume less gasoline in comparison to fuel powered conventional cars. Even though they are slightly expensive to purchase, the return is achieved in long term due to lower fuel consumption. Further, governments and notably the United States of America give tax incentives to buyers of hybrid cars in to a move aimed at reducing the average prices of these vehicles and thus support more people to purchase them. Dwindling petroleum deposits in a major concern to the world.It is widely acknowledged that only a total of one trillion barrels of recoverable crude oil reserves is available for exploration worldwide with only two percent (2%) of this value in the United States of America. Most of these oil deposits are found in the eastern hemisphere that is made up of countries that are well known for political instability. It is therefore very wise for countries that fall in the Western hemisphere and more so, the United States to adapt the mass production and commercial use of hybrid vehicles.This will not only cushion them from ever fluctuating oil prices but will also prevent the imminent collapse of most sectors of the economies of these countries. Conclusion From the foregoing, it is evident that the world stands to gain immensely from the introduction into the world of transportation hybrid cars. It is true that the cost of producing a hybrid car is not one that sends one gay all the way to the bank. In fact it is prohibitively high and the faint hearted who will not assume attention to the long term benefits of this hybrid car model will not dare.But the benefits or gains both in terms of saving a planet in peril and a global economy in a shambles are so enticing and crucial that it is actually the way to go. The environmental problems that come as a result of oil utilization in transport and other areas of life will be dealt with once and for all. For instance, the release o f dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere that is responsible for global warming and numerous respiratory problems as well as problems in farming thorough such phenomena as acid rain will be solved.The economic woes that come up from over dependence on oil will also be contained. The availing of financial resources to rogue nations such as Iran that fund terrorist groups, the shaking of the global economy due to shifts in oil prices as well as the escalation of conflicts in most third world countries in the east and Africa as a result of scrambling over oil resources will be eliminated.ReferencesAnderson C. D & Anderson J (2004) Electric and Hybrid Cars A History. ISBN-10 0786418729, ISBN -13 978-0786418725, McFarland & Company. pp 6-10 Boschert, S. , (2006) Plug-Ins The cars that will recharge America.pp 2-7 ISBN-10 0865715718, ISBN-13 978-0865715714, New Society Publishers. Gore, A. (2006) An Inconvenient Truth. Retrieved on 24th March 2009 from http//www. climatecrisis. net/aboutthefilm/. Para 1-3. Paterson, B. N. , (2007). Economic benefits of hybrid cars. Retrieved on 23rd March 2009 from http//www. helium. com/items/1026111-economic-benefits-of-hybrid-cars, para 3-5. Westbrook M. H, (2001) The Electric Car Development and Future of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel-Cell Cars. ISBN-10 0852960131, ISBN-13 978-0852960134. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp 56-61.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Relationship of Leadership to the Politics
DefinitionLeadership-This is the practice of controlling and directing the carriage of individuals towards the completion of some(a) rough-cut goals and objectives. It involves influencing people in undertaking things to a given set and value on top of their measuring stick and all this is done exitingly. governance-This is the process of recognizing and eventually integrating opposing inte sculptural reliefs inside the organization. This may be as the means of creating non autocratic or a democratic bunking milieu.Organization-This is the affectionate arrangement that pursues collective objectives and goals, on that pointfrom controlling its own performance, and it has a boundary separating it from environment surrounding it.DiscussionThe governing of an organization is essential and an essential reality woven with system of management whereby organisational activities are affected by it. Organizational mission, goals, strategy, correction, discernment and ways of develo ping agreement are always attractionship and policy-making relation of that particular organization. This is so be occasion some of the great jumper cableers in organizations have also ventured in politics thus becoming much influential in there actions as they dominate specific places both within and outside the organization. Politics and leadershiphip go hand in hand, since most key leaders will tend to comprehend and get involved as they interact with politicians. For instance politicians may seek to meet trade, chambers of medico and economic planning and development leaders to find out the operational activities of firms since both of them are insurance makers. These politicians go their not to ask for endorsements but they go there to get out what is happening in the market and their country.Employees have the biggest influence on deciding what leadership style works for them, and sometimes they will mislead the leader to a very easy style hence the first thing to be un dertaken is figuring out an exact style which works for and with them, hence democratic will not work well here and the preferred will be situational leadership and this will make the chase of a particular leader to decide for him. Though leaders should lead by example and move provided to formulate and implement organizational policies.Organizational structure massnot be expected to resolve semipolitical problems within an institution. policy-making ambitions are frequently driving force behind these structural changes. Wider political and social forces in societies a s a whole also limit the choice and operation of organizational structures. This is common in the case of state organizations in both socialist and capitalist economies and of public service departments as well. here(predicate) the form of structure is usually imposed as a political rather than purely managerial decision.According to Georges leadership, political climate of a particular organization is affected by a leader through management and making implement of alternative settings which is visible in decision making, interaction with others in mobilizing support and setting of agenda, also in inspiring individuals, teams and other people. The relationship between organizational politics and leadership can be comprehended from the fact that organizational leadership occurs in the perspective of groups, where followers are prejudiced by the leader to make sure their loyalty and voluntary participation towards preset outcomes. The interaction between leaders and their influence & authority over the followers lay down the stair for political climate in an organization. By clearly understanding of organizations political systems which is necessary for leadership to lead the company towards the goal achievement. Leaders who have worked for long in the company will possess the commonplace knowledge of political climate prevailing in the organization. Leaders from outside should take time to contemplate and understand the organizational politics by focusing and observing keenly relationship of the various groups in the company.The literature on politics in organizations is both complex and confusing. Consistent with the connotation that politics is in some way bad and to be avoided, at least in rational organizations. Politics in organization a outsets where groups in an organization have there own preferred goals, and the means to attain those goals, sanctioned by rest of the organization, for instance the case must be of powerful groups. Pfeffer (1981) suggests that political behavior is best known as those activities taken within organizations to acquire, develop and use power and other resources to obtain ones preferred outcomes in a situation in which there is irresolution or discensus about choices. In this respect organizational politics and social power are very much a like, only that they are distinguished primarily by the unit of analysis involved. When our focus is on individuals influencing other individuals, here we talk about social power and when our focus is on groups influencing other groups we are talking about organization politics, hence political behavior occurs in situation characterized by misgiving.Conflicting opinions and preferences are perhaps the single most important cause of political behavior. But such conflicts can exist only if there is some degree of uncertainty about what is objectively the best or must appropriate course of action. To try and solve this political behavior in organizations, power should be distributed equally among the groups affected by decision which give rise to this. It is also important to recognize that although conflicting preferences can exist only when there is some uncertainty about what is objectively the most correct or appropriate course of action, uncertainty simply provides an environment in which conflicting preferences can develop. The real causes of the conflicting opini ons and preferences are differentiation and resource scarcity. Political leaders place there interest ahead of the interest of an organization, to them dont visualizes the difference between in operation(p) within the law and operating ethically.It is important to note that since differentiation is a natural consequence of organizational growth, and since both uncertainty and resource scarcity are the rule rather than the exception in organizations, it must be concluded that both conflicts and political activity are inevitable group level outputs that can be found in virtually any organization. Understanding is the key for leaders to make use of organizational politics and also to enhance their own leadership credibility. The amount of conflict and political behavior that occurs in a given organization will depend upon the severity of the prerequisite conditions, that is the degree to which there exist task interdependence, parochial perspectives, resource scarcity and soon.Referen ceshttp//
Friday, May 17, 2019
Bhakti Yoga
There are quad goals in the traditional Hinduism. These four goals cover life viewed as good and life seen as bad. Three of these goals appeal to the positive things in life, such as, Dharma or righteousness, Artha or achievement, and Kama or gratification. The fourth goal which is the Moksha or liberation is aimed at the damaging things. The three affirmation goals can all be sought at the same prison term or genius at a time, as each may be appropriate at accepted periods in ones life. Hinduism prescribes four paths towards the Divine indispensability.These paths may lead to a good life, integrity with the divine, liberation from life, or the fulfillment of any or all of the four goals. The paths are called Yoga. Yoga is a train of disciplines that must be carried out by followers who wished to take these paths. Yoga is like a yoke or a load around the neck or shoulders which is heavy but necessary to reach the destiny or the realization of goals. The different paths or yog a are, Inana or the way towards the ultimate knowledge, Bhakti or the path to agreeable or devotedness to God, Karma or the way to undo the reaction to deeds in life, and the Raja or the royal path to meditation.The Inana, Bhakti and Karma are contained in Bhagavad-Gita while Raja is in Yoga Sutra. Both the Bhagavad-Gita and the Yoga Sutra are apparitional teachings that help explain the divine world. The Bhakti Yoga is the path to the immaculate devotion to and absolute loving of God. In Sanskrit it subject matter the overpowering, generous and joyful love for God. The follower is focused on God by expressions of love and actions of worship. The devotion is strong and faithful like a lover to the beloved, a parent to his child.The Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu of Rupa Gosvami enumerates the nine forms of the path, which are chant, praise, reflection, service, prayers, preaching, relationship, and surrender. tutelage them all or even one is enough for a devotee to experience the love of God. The documental of this love and devotion is to get close to God. Depending on their attitudes, Bhakti is taken differently by its followers. For some, it is the initial spirit leading to Inana. On the contrary, others believe it to be higher than Inana.Others think all of them are equal. Bhagavad Gita is considered the pillar as well as the foundation of Hindu Bhakti theism particularly in Vaishnavism. It has a long list of sacred and philosophical affiliations but is partial to Krishna devotees. According to Krishna love, pure intention and utmost devotion is the most reigning driving force in the spiritual life of a devotee. Most Bhakti movements worship only one God, Vishnu or Shiva. They came after the three Vedanta systems were put in place.These Bhakti movements reinvigorated Hinduism because they filled in the emotional and philosophical void of India. The intensity of expression of Bharatanatyam had the most influence in the great changes in Hindu prayers and ri tuals since the time of Adi Shankaracharya. There had been other noned contributions of Bhakti movements in Indian history. Their schools of Philosophy have changed the beliefs of people. Bhakti taught the people to channel their emotions to the command of God in the process of self-actualization.The Hindus from the orthodox Brahaminical systems denounced the caste system. Bhaktis call for tolerance and love were not listened to by those deeply-rooted in the caste structure of society. Bhakti was responsible for the mass production of devotional materials in literature, art, music and dance that has enriched the culture not only of India but also of the entire world. This gave spiritual renewal by giving up insignificant rituals and social demarcation, to India References SanatanSociety. org (2008). Bhakti Yoga. Retrieved June 14, 2008 fromhttp//www. sanatansociety. org/yoga_and_meditation/bhakti_yoga. htm ISKCON Educational Services (2004). The Heart of Hinduism. Introduction to the Four primary(prenominal) Parts. Retrived June 14, 2008 from http//hinduism. iskcon. com/practice/index. htm Hinduism Living the Religious Life. Retrieved June 14, 2008 from http//uwacadweb. uwyo. edu/Religionet/er/hinduism/HRLIFE. HTM The Yoga Centre Glasgow (2007). Bhakti Yoga. Yogi Nirmalendu. Kundalini Shakti Page. Retrieved June 14, 2008 from http//www. yoginirmalendu. com/Types_Of_Yoga/Bhakti_Yoga/Bhakti_Yoga. html
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Lancôme Marketing Plan Essay
I. Executive summaryLancme is preparing to launch a impudent anti-aging charm out concluding the perfect result of 10 years exploring in lab and be recommended as A miracle elixir exists, the Absolue LExtrait, in Vietnam decorative merchandise. Our harvest-feast offers a competitively unique combination of the in vogue(p) pass on technology in dermal fore cells and great debaucher effects by and by examination and launching in other countries. We argon luffing specific departments in the consumer and taking benefits of opportunities indicated by the huge guide for beauty in such a dynamic frugal. The primary securities indus disciplineing objective is to achieve first base-year Vietnam gross revenue of 10,000 units. The primary financial objectives ar to achieve first-year sales r play shoreues of $3.5 million and break even early in the second year.II. Current grocery situationLancme is founded in 1935 by Armand Petitjean in France. From the outgrowth till n ow, Lancme has brought beauty for women in 160 countries worldwide through with(predicate) 28.000 retailers and stores all everywhere the world. After pull ining a large substance of market shares in European market and become a market leadershiper, Lancme turns the target into Asia, and Vietnam in special. Penetrating in Vietnam in 2006 through the single retailer channel- Parkson, Lancme has gained a genuine aggregate of market share and has occupied a self-coloured commit in the eye of the upper- class.However, we also pretend to compete with few strong send names in cosmetic or so(predicate) pricing and gaining nodes loyalty such as Clinique which is the pi peerlesser in dermatologist- break offed cosmetic brand. Exploring that more or less of Vietnamese women (about 75%) care much more about shinnycare than filmup, the newest resultion which is in the expansion of the premium ABSOLUE channel Lancmes Absolue Lextrait, leave behind be about to launch into Vietnam market and possess a strong advant come along to differentiate from other competitions.1. market commit descriptionMethod Concentrated merchandisingAbsolue LExtrait is a new- launched and opulence mathematical decease, therefore concentrated marketing succor the bon ton gain a strong market position. Table 1 Segment Needs and Corresponding Features/Benefits of LExtrait Cream Target Market client need Corresponding possess/ benefit Upper- class women A cream can slow down and push back the aging process.A therapy can bring them back to the confident and youth like they were beforehand. blush wine stem cells extracted from the Lancme Rose are claimed to be clear of stimulating humans dermal stem cells. The mandate volition alsocontain Proxylane, a proprietary anti-aging active ingredient of LOral.2. harvest ReviewAbsolue Lextrait is the in vogue(p) anti-aging cream of Lancme as come up as the first crossway to feature a senior soaring concentration of a kind of native cells-rose stem cell. Rose stem cells is tell to be extracted from the Lancme Rose- a species specifically created for Lancme in 1973 and resisting various environmental aggressions (c sure-enough(a), insects). It is claimed to be capable of stimulating human dermal stem cells. Each 50 ml jar of formula is claimed to contain 2 million rose stem cells. Apart from the rose stem cells, the formula impart also contain Proxylane, a proprietary anti-aging active ingredient of LOral. The jar is sold with a massage beam of light the massage petal applicant developed with the Lancme Institute. It is claimed to alternate hot and cold effects for stimulating the jumble to invigorate it, activating microcirculation and promoting a better penetration of the formulas active ingredients.As a global anti-aging formula, it is claimed to concur a significant efficiency on the seven major signs of aging say by Lancme to be Forehead purses Frown discoers Crows feet Under-ey e wrinkles Nasolabial fold Wrinkles around the mouth Facial slackening*The examination and trial processThe formula has been tested on 42 women, half of them having sensitive skin. Results were ob armed serviced afterwards 11 weeks. This is quite unusual, since roughly of skincare products are tested on a 4 week basis. This is a trick to chance better results to claim the longer you habit a product, the better are the results. Since its creation, Absolue has al airs extended the limits of science and creativity to incarnate a quintessential and aristocratic femininity wizard that is full of grace, sophistication and elegance. More than luxury, this is an inspiring philosophy for the intimately demanding women in the world.3. Competitive ReviewRecently, beca using up Vietnams economic has a great development and living archetype is gradually increasing, the needs to be beauty and health caring are rising rapidly. Because of the working pressure and environment pollution, wo men nowadays see wrinkle faster and faster. With these reasons, the anti-aging cosmetic market is really potential.Key competitors include the following* Cle De Peau A Japanese brand which was only established for the last 30 years.+ crossway having knowledge about the Neuro sputter Theory Skin has a brain of its own and the disc everywherey of the leukemia meshwork of the skin, it can be said that Cle De Peau anti-aging products are the most effective and better-seller anti-aging product in Vietnam at the moment.+ squiffy Potential to be the most understanding Vietnameses skin (a Asia brand) A clean operation annals High customer loyalty go on technology+ failing The most expensive product Small distribution channel* Este laudator This America brand entered Vietnam only for 7 years (since summer 2005) but it already has a unchanging position in the cosmetic market with a well-off distribution channel (2 stores in capital of Vietnam and other 4 in Ho chi Minh City).+ re sult applied the exclusive DNA technology, the anti-aging series of Este Lauder have a superior position which gains over 70 global awards andover 20 global certificates.+ Strong Este Lauder is a company with bright and long news report which creates a trustful strong famous global brand. The advantage of continuously improving technology genius products Convenient store in beauty places Wonderful employees and services+ Weakness Scandal of models representing as the brass instrument of Este Lauder (Carolyn Murphy, etc.) Be doubted of using child-labors The CEO is doubted of poor executive ability which leads to the impaired of this brand.* Clinique A brand developed by dermatologists of Este Lauder Company but unlike Este Lauder, Clinique already appeared in Vietnam from 2001 and having a larger distribution channel (9 official stores in the 3 biggest cities of Vietnam Hanoi, Haiphong, Ho chi Minh City)+ Product Clinique products can be suitable for every skins kind with its natural origins cosmetics.+ Strong Reputation brand in over 130 countries Developed by dermatologists Being a superior in online business, which even has a tracking and advising system for customers All products have been Allergy Tested and speed of light% Fragrance Free. The first one who approached Vietnamese customers Reasonable price Large distribution channel+ Weakness Average skin care product quality* Kanebo Officially appeared in Vietnam in 2003 through undivided Distributors Trade Co., Ltd. L & K. This Japanese brand already has 9 official showrooms in Vietnam (2 in Hanoi, 1 in Haiphong and other 3 in Ho Chi Minh City).+ Product correspond to Kanebo theory of the social organization of skin, the Adhesive Technology is the way to have an excellence skin.+ Strong Over 110 years history brand which already presented in 51 countries. Finding out Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa essences which have oxidation activity that help re realise DNA Large distribution channel+ Weakness Accou nts scandal Still be a quite small brand in global market* attend to xach tay Not really a specific brand, Hang xach tay is a new trend in commodity trading in Vietnam nowadays. Hang xach tay operations base on the products which flight attendants or pilots or even shop owners acquaintances brought back after each time they went abroad.+ Product Diversified brand names, products, origins and quality. In Hanoi, Hang xach tay has a venue at the Aviation Street (Nguyn Sn St.)+ Strong Having stores in every cities and provinces of Vietnam Having many online retailers level price than official distributors of brands because the shop owners do not have to pay the tariffs and other non-tariff fees.+ Weakness indecipherable origin (can be fake) A large amount of Hang xach tay is almost out-of-date or old fashion products.Despite this strong competition, Lancme can carve out a definite image and gain recognition among the targeted segments. Lancmes Absolue LExtrait is considered as a magi cal product which is produced by the most advanced and unique technology in the world nowadays. It is a breakthrough after 10 years hard-hitting and developing from Lancme, a famous reputation brand. Thus, Lancmes Absolue LExtrait go forth have an absolute competitive advantage among other products.The most potential competitor of Lancmes Absolue LExtrait in Vietnamese anti-aging market is Cle De Peau. However, Cle De Peaus La Cream U mollify has some weak side such as it is the most expensive cosmetic product in Vietnam market. Moreover, unlike Lancmes Absolue LExtrait, even you have already used La Cream U for night care, you still need other application for day care for the best result. In short, Lancmes Absolue LExtrait has the newest advance technology in cosmetic indus see, more suitable price and gives better result.4. Channel and Logistics ReviewBecause Lancme has entered Vietnam for 6 years, the distribution channel is still quite small.5. Retailer storesLancme has been opened 6 stores (in which four stores in HCM city and two stores in Hanoi) at Parkson (the retail arm of The Lion Group) + Parkson Saigon Tourist Plaza 35Bis-45, L Thnh Tng St., Bn Ngh, District 1, HCMC. + Parkson Hung Vuong Plaza 126 Hung Vuong St., District 5, HCMC. + Parkson Paragon 3 Nguyn Lng Bng St., Tn Ph, District 7, HCMC. + Parkson Flemington 184 L i Hnh St. , District 11, HCMC. + Parkson Viet loom 198 Ty Sn St., T eatg Lit, ng a District, Hanoi. + Parkson Landmark 72- Keangnam Tower, E6, Cu Giy new urban areas, M Tr, T Lim, HanoiIII. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat epitome 1. Strengths2.1. Exclusive biotechnology processLancme has now succeeded in cultivating stem cells from this rose, which can be multiplied immeasurably by a biotechnological procedure called Fermogenesis, which provides each stem cell with a gentle growth environment, which conserve its own metabolic rate and all its regenerative potential.2.2. Unique and precious componentsThe rudimentary component is a new active ingredient Lancme Rose stem cells obtained through an exclusive biotechnological process. These rose cells are claimed to be capable of stimulating human dermal stem cells, which are found in the deepest layers of the skin, and play an essential bureau in the renewal of the fundamental layers of the dermis. In addition, the anti-ageing formula is delivered within a pearly pink cream-elixir, which changes its cereal on application to melt into the skin. It is scented with notes of rose, bergamot, pink peppercorns, jasmine, freesia, woods and musk.2.3. Extra message petal applicatorIn addition to a superior anti-aging cream, there is a message petal applicator to motivate its benefits. Specially intentional for a dual ritual, it features a black warm side to pick up and apply the elixir, and a golden cord side for smoothing and massaging the product in to skin.2.4. Good distribution conveyFrom the successes in the first store in Ho Chi Minh City, up to now, Lancme has been opened 6 stores (four stores in HCM city and two stores in Ha Noi) and have intended to open new store in Hai Phong. The market share in 2009 increased 3 times than 2 years ago. Lancme store are located on well-known shopping centers such as Parkson, which are highly attractive and convenient for knowing and buying product. This factor is one of the most significationant factors that have assisted them to importanttain their high market share in premium cosmetic market.2. Weakness3.5. Small-scale targeted segmentTarget only on Adults but not for Youngsters. Like some other products, Lancmes Absolue LExtrait has target segment only of adults who have high standard not for youngsters who are the majority of Vietnam population3.6. PricingThe product is charged with the higher price in simile with others in the same product line of our competitors. It is a result of unique and valued features of the product.3. Opportunities4.7. Open marketThe delive ry of Vietnam is growing rapidly and living standard of Vietnamese is improved very much. As a result, Vietnamese women exit care more about their health as well as their beauty. They will spend more for skin-care products. It is an open market for Lancme to develop their luxurious products.4.8. Increasing targeted customersThe targeted customer of Lancme is the upper class. As a result of development in economy and globalization, there are more and more the rich, who are willing to pay much for luxurious line of product, in Vietnam.4.9. The development of distribution channel* Parkson, the main distribution channel of Lancme in Vietnam, is developing and beseeming more and more popular here. It once succeeded in helping Lancme increase their market share in some Asian countries, especially in China, where has some similarities in economy and society with Vietnam. * The development of the lucre makes it easier for customers to access to Lancmes website and find information about products. They also can buy products they want through the Internet conveniently and fast.4. Threats5.10. Increasing competitorsMore corporations with famous brands are entering Vietnam market with high-quality cosmetics that offer some but not all of benefits provided by Lancme. Some of them have lower price in comparison with Lancmes Absolue LExtrait. Beside these official competitive companies, the product also has to cope with another kind of competitor called hang xach tay, which provides cosmetic products from abroad with cheaper price and is very popular in Vietnam nowadays.5.11. Effects of global economic crisis on Vietnam economy The crisis on global economy has certain impacts on Vietnam. One of them is effects on peoples spending habit. Due to pressure on difficulties in economy, customers will buy few goods and they only buy necessary goods. As a result, luxury goods like Absolue Lextrait will not attract many people, even the rich. That will be a resistance to Lancmes revenue.IV. Market-Product FocusThis portion describes the three- year marketing and product objectives for Lancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream. It includes a description of our target markets and our product preeminence strategies. 1. trade and Product Objectives* Non-financial Objectives* Launch product by July 2012 with distribution primarily in Parkson department. * Gain a 10% market share among existing anti- aging products. * Sell a minimum of 10,000 units in the first year, with at least 25% increase in sales in the next 2 neat years.* Financial Objectives* Generate at least $3.5 million in revenue during the first year.*Increase profit growth by at least 10% per year for the next 3 years.2. Target MarketFor our product, we focus on targeting the end users, as these consumers make the decision to purchase. Our target market is professional women over the age of 30. These women are concerned with the signs of aging and trust Lancme, as they believe Lancme is devoted to qualit y skincare products. These professionals earn upper income and live in urban areas. They are buyers of fashionable clothing, premium products and shop in upscale department stores.3. Product differentiationProduct differentiation is the significant other half of product positioning the two must work together to achieve success. Many manufacturers offer creams that are designed to reduce the sign of aging around the face. Thus, it is detrimental to the success of a product that it carries addition benefits and features that make it more attractive to the consumers than the industry alternatives. Absolue LExtrait differentiates its self from its competitors through the advantages listed below* Unique formula with our most powerful regenerating ingredient, Lancme Rose Native Cells.* Well-research through 10 years.* Strong brand equity.* Easy to obtain through upscale department stores where our target customers usually go shopping.* Backing from strong parent company, LOreal Companies, Inc.V. Marketing Strategy1. Product StrategyOur product strategy for Lancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream is Product differentiation. Products designed by our competitors to reduce the signs of aging have over and over proved to be ineffective. With Lancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream, we will change this notion. Women can experience Lancmes revolutionary skincare conception and our most powerful regenerating ingredient, Lancme Rose Native Cells. As described in the earlier Product Preview section, our star ingredient, Rose Stem Cells, is claimed to be capable of stimulating human dermal stem cells. The natural regenerating potential of stick outt stem cells and the self-renewal of the skins own dermal skin cells provide a double boost deep in the skins makeup, resulting in a smoother, more radiant and more youthful appearance.2. Pricing StrategyLancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream is considered the most advanced product it brings efficiency proportional to its value, according to Youcef Nabi, pr esident of Lancme company. The suggested retail price for this product will be $385, the price that is slightly higher than our major competitors. The perceived benefits of our product are high with respect to the price, therefore Lancme is taking on a value- pricing strategy.Figure 1 Price/ note value Map for the Lancmes Absolue LExtrait CreamAs shown in Figure 1, our product is in the uninfected Value Zone at the Premium point. We can use this value-pricing strategy based on certain conditions. First, the superior quality of our product and our brand, Lancme, will support the higher price that our loyal customers will trust and buy this product. Second, our target customer, upper-class women, will care about the value rather than the cost of the product they purchase. Finally, competitors cannot be able to enter the market because of our unique formula in the cream, therefore they cannot undercut our price. By using this strategy, we believe we will be able to gain a considerabl e amount of market share.3. Distribution StrategyLoreal Vietnam company is the main distributor of Lancme in Vietnam. Our channel strategy is to use exclusive distribution, which enhances Lancmes image and allows higher markup. We focus on marketing the cream through our range of mountains of Lancme stores in Parkson department stores. Parkson has eight modern and successful department stores, 4 in Ho Chi Minh City, 2 in Hanoi, which are big cities of Vietnam with large proportion of high income people. Moreover, it is obvious that most of Vietnamese citizens perceive Parkson as a special location for shopping luxury, expensive and high quality goods, creating advantage for Lancme to build strong brand in Vietnam and reach our target customers upper class women.On the other hand, it is pitiful that our company has not yet established Vietnamese official Lancme website so we cant serve customers direct purchase.4. Marketing Communication StrategyOur company will follow the concept of integrated marketing communication theory-blending the furtherance tools into a coordinated promotion mix.5.1. AdvertisingInstead of using means like television set or radio, we choose Magazine and liquid crystal display advertising as the main media vehicles. Regarding using magazine, the objective of our company is to take advantage of well-known, expensive magazines about beauty, whose readers are women aged average 27 years old. According to the recent research we have collected, the company decide to market through 3 famous magazines- Elle, Her humans and hereditary pattern Fashion+ Elle a worldwide magazine of French origin with 140,000 readers over 20,000 publications in Vietnam. The age of reader is above 27, which is suitable for the companys strategy. In this magazine, we will place our full-page ad about Lextrait cream in the fourth cover in order to take readers charge efficiently.+ Her world monthly special issues by Sun Media company who bought the rights tra nsferred from Singapore Her World magazine .It is bonny more and more famous thanks to Vietnams Next Top Model contest. Our company will contract with Sun Media representative to launch our lasted product Absolue Lextrait cream in the same position as we have in Elle magazine.+ Heritage fashion In-flight magazine for VietnamAirlines .The purpose of ours in marketing in this kind of magazine is to reach female customers in domestic flight of Vietnam Airlines. To avoid missing key customers who dont have time to read magazines as Elle and Her World, Heritage Fashion is an ideal pickax to introduce to them our new product when they spend time to relax during their flights. *Months of publication February, April, June, August, October, December.In addition, we final cause to use LCD advertising in our marketing strategy. The video of product will appear on LCD screens of Parkson department stores, which are placed in elevators or the halls. The customers will passively access to our product without purpose. This method is more effective than Television advertising.5.2. trail Marketing+Website along with working with Elle in marketing in magazine, we also like to put banners about the product at the corner of the main website of Elle http// and Parkson http//, which will lead the customers directly to our company Facebook page providing detailed products information. Absolue Lextraits features and price will be updated in Parkson website as well. Furthermore, the company will put the news of Absolue Lextrait in the seem page in our Website so that our loyal, potential and first- time customers can easily approach to the product.+Online Social networks Facebook is the best choice for online marketing in Vietnam because most of Vietnamese internet users have one or more Facebook account while Twitter seems to be ignored here for some reasons. Therefore, our company will place the introduction of Absolue Lextrait as special event on Fac ebook page and update as well as answer the questions about this product.5.3. Sales Promotion+Displays and demonstration We will send each of our retail stores large color advertisement to display in the stores as well as small brochures explaining our product and its feature in Vietnamese. The display needs to emphasize that Absolue Lextrait cream is the most innovative and luxury product of Lancme.+Sample Another method is that samples will be available to consumers, this is a great way to try before you buy. Sampling develops a loyal consumer because the customer will only return to purchase the product if she genuinely liked it. Our company will give limited number of samples to customers who purchased over 3 million Vietnam dong. The sample will begin to be handed to consumer 1 month before the introduction of the product.5.4. Personal sellingThe company will provide salespeople about detailed information of the product such as superior features and advantages to give the usefu l advice to customers. Besides, since Lancme entered Vietnam market in 2006, the brand has had substantial amount of loyal customers who have strong belief in our product. Lancme salespeople are also well trained to build and maintain close relationship with those ones. These sale consultants will contact with the potential customers about the presence of the latest product- Absolue Lextrait anti- aging cream .Their interpersonal communication skills help them to deliver a clear, concise and reproducible message to your prospects about the product and give the reasons why they should purchase it, basing on the salespeoples understanding about them. Counter salespeople need to gather customer information and follow up with the each customer 3 days after the samples are given to insure effectiveness otherwise its money down the drain.5. Marketing OrganizationMarketing organization will reveal the overall outlook about how the marketing ravel operates and how it gains success. Ms. So nia Chiu, the chief marketing officer at Asian Region, is in charge of planning and designing a general marketing strategies and handing it over to the subordinators within the supervision.* Marketing development and project manager, one of the sub-division of marketing organization, will work in collaboration with the advertising agency with whom they develop the advertising material for the launch (3 main magazines Her world, Heritage fashion, Elle). This division also workwith the packaging design agency, press relations and internal communications staff. * Regional manager are responsible for the sales targets set by the Group, pursue the sales promotion and need to have the capacity to analysis your results so as to allow you to imagine and to conceive strict operational strategies when required.* Store marketing manager investigate any and every alternative distribution network opportunity (street merchants, Internet, etc.) and work on negotiations, for example about the prom otional campaigns delivered through distributing brand stores. * Distributing manager is one subordinator who carries out the logistics and distribution of new- launched product through the only retailer channel Parkson. This division will take action under the leading of store manager.VI. Action ProgramsThe company decide to launch Absolue Lextrait in July 4th, 2012. Following are summaries of the action programs we will implement in six next months since this June 4th, 2012 to achieve our verbalise objectives.June. Pre-launch action month From June 4th, 2012. The campaign will officially begin in all 6 Lancme stores in Parksons malls. The Vietnam Loreal company will send representatives to each one to help decorating with the image of Absolue Lextrait appearing in the stores. The leaflets are going to be placed in cash desk. These actions are to be implemented early in order to attract the customers curiosity. We also want to initiate the method try before you buy to our custome rs, therefore, the samples will be sent to V.I.P and customers with above 3 million product promissory note until the end of June.Counter salespeople need to gather customer information and follow up with the each customer 3 days after the sample was given to insure effectiveness. Moreover, our training staff will work with sales personnel at 6 shops to explain superior features as well as advantages of the cream. On Facebook, we will set July 4th as important event and provide the products information. We plan to write an article introducing new anti-aging cream of Lancme -Absolue Lextrait and publish it on double page spread out of Elle, Her World and Heritage Fashion with detailed information.Every LCD screens in each Parkson department stores will run video of Absolue Lextrait.July. Launch month The program of handing samples need to be ended.The product will be put at an eye catching position in the stores and the Absolue Lextrait banner must be placed in front of each shop i n order to attract customers passing by. The salespeople will begin to contact to their loyal customers through phone, e-mail or a close conversation. They will try to remind consumers entering store about the appearance of the product. advertisement will be put in the fourth cover in Elle and Her World magazine. On the main page of Elles website, the products banner will appear once people access and lead them to our Facebook page.August. The company will annals to do marketing in Heritage Fashion magazine with the same position as in those 2 magazines to target business women who usually get flights and V.I.P of Vietnam Airline that usually receive this magazine.September. In this month, because the Heritage Fashion will not be published, we will continue with August strategy. The comments of customers after using Absolue Lextrait will be posted on the Facebook.October. Salespeople continue to ensure the efficiency of the product by contacting with their customers. ad on magazi nes still goes on following to the schedule and with publication of Heritage Fashion in this month.November. Advertisement campaign will continue as September. The results of customer satisfaction surveys and feedbacks will be analyzed carefully. We will begin to collect the reply from the customers and readers of 3 magazines about the campaign to get improvement for the next marketing activities.VII. Budget ( in one year from 7/2012 to 7/2013 )By setting objective aimed at unit sale per year is 10,000, total first year sales revenue for Lancme in Vietnam is communicate at $3.5 million, with a selling price of $350 per unit (without VAT), and uncertain cost of $300 per unit (the cost included importing tax ). The first year profit are anticipated approximately $237,400. Break-even calculation indicates that Lancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream will become profitable after the sale volume exceeds 5,252 units in this year. The break even analysis of Lancmes Absolue LExtrait Cream assumes that revenue in this year is $3.5 million, variable cost per unit is $300, and the estimated fixed costs is $262,600. Based on these assumptions, the break-even sale volume is$262,600$350-$300=5,252 unitsBreakeven sales 5,252 $350 =$1,838,200Note Total Fix cost = $262,600+Cost for rent and freight cost $35,000+Advertising $90,200+Direct Marketing $42,000+Sale promotion $61,800+Personal selling $33,600 Variable cost $300 per unit (included import tax) Selling Price $350 per unit (not included VAT)VIII. ControlsThrough this marketing plan, our corporate goals have been projected and our methods for achieving these goals have been defined. To guarantee success, the company needs to re-evaluate the progress towards these goals in each quarter to de preconditionine if our marketing plan is working properly and profitably. If it appears that we are not meeting our goals each quarter, we will need to analyze our marketing plan and make adjustments.SourceBackground information and market data adapted fromhttp// http// http// http// http// http// http// http//
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